Did your kids log on and watch Mr. Jepsen's K-2nd Chapel this week? Here's a few images of what they enjoyed! Worship songs, puppet shows and Jesus!
almost 5 years ago, Bayley Holt
Jepsen Chapel
Jepsen Guitar
watching chapel
Take a look at some of our 2nd graders learning and staying active at home. Sure looks like fun!
almost 5 years ago, Trinity Christian School
These are a couple of our teacher's at-home classrooms. What do your kid's at-home classrooms look like?
almost 5 years ago, Trinity Christian School
home office
8th grade home office
We've been at-a-distance for one week now. Our teachers miss the kids tremendously and are sending their love and prayers. How are you all doing?
almost 5 years ago, Bayley Holt
student w packet
A peak inside our virtual classrooms! Both our teachers and our students are making the most out of distance learning and we are so thankful for the ability to be together even at a distance. Thanks technology!
almost 5 years ago, Bayley Holt
zoom 1
zoom 2
Did you get your student's packets yesterday? We hope you and your kids are adjusting to school-at-a-distance and enjoying the learning experience our wonderful teachers put together for you! Cannot wait for us all to be back together in class again. We miss our Tigers!
almost 5 years ago, Trinity Christian School
Our first day of school-at-home is finished! We all survived! And it looks like our Tigers are enjoying the new learning experience. Keep encouraging your kids, hug them often, enjoy making these unique memories, and keep pointing them to the Hope and Love of Jesus!
almost 5 years ago, Bayley Holt
at home
Open House is this Friday, Mar.13 from 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm. This is the best time to come check out our campus and meet all the teachers. We are also doing a Disney Raffle and the winner will be announced at Open House. We hope everyone can make it!
almost 5 years ago, Trinity Christian School
Disney Raffle
Yesterday's Art Mastery class enjoyed painting Van Gogh! The Kindergarten-5th graders made some beautiful art. Check it out!
almost 5 years ago, Trinity Christian School
Art Mastery 1
Art Mastery 2
Art Mastery 3
Art Mastery 4
The Tigers are ready! Our last game of the season starts in 10 minutes at Westerly. Let’s go Trinity!
almost 5 years ago, Bayley Holt
This week's basketball game against Bethany has been moved to TOMORROW, Tuesday 25th at 3:30pm at Bethany. Let's Go Tigers!
almost 5 years ago, Trinity Christian School
Valentine's Day in 7th grade <3
about 5 years ago, Trinity Christian School
Girls Valentines
7th valentines
7th valentines boys
fun dip
Let’s go Tigers! We are down at halftime but we have our Trinity cheer squad with us keeping our spirits up!
about 5 years ago, Bayley Holt
Our Trinity Tigers Basketball team is playing their first home game TODAY at 3:30pm against Calvary! Come out and support!! See you there!
about 5 years ago, Bayley Holt
Look at the levers the 8th graders are building during Mrs. Love's science class!
about 5 years ago, Trinity Christian School
Lever 1
Lever 2
Lever 3
Check out this awesome STEM activity! 7th graders and their 1st grade buddies building pens to corral piggies.
about 5 years ago, Trinity Christian School
7th and 1st graders
working on project
After a hard fought battle, our Tiger basketball team fell 26-38 to SAnta Fe Springs. We will get em next time when they play us at home!
about 5 years ago, Bayley Holt
Look at these Middle school STEM elective index card towers! 🤓 Wow!
about 5 years ago, Trinity Christian School
tower 1
Tower 2
WE WON!! Our Trinity Tigers basketball team beat Lakewood 51-25. Our team played great! Our second game is TOMORROW at Santa Fe Springs Christian @ 3:30. Come on out and support our Tigers!
about 5 years ago, Bayley Holt
Our Trinity Tiger basketball team is coming out strong! Leading 13-5 at the start of the 2nd quarter. LETS GO TIGERS!
about 5 years ago, Bayley Holt
Tigers basketball