First day of school chapel! Let’s have a great year Tigers!!!
over 3 years ago, Pastor Eddie Cuen
Happy first day of school Trinity Tigers!!!
over 3 years ago, Pastor Eddie Cuen
picture spot
Getting ready for staff installation for the 2021-2022 academic school year.
over 3 years ago, Pastor Eddie Cuen
teacher installation
Learning about Chagall at family art night.
over 3 years ago, Pastor Eddie Cuen
art night
Today’s #ApexMIGHTY leadership habit is: THINK AHEAD –It is so important as leaders to always set goals, have these end goals in mind at all times, create a plan to achieve them, and be proactive! 🗣 MIGHTY Leadership Challenge: Think of a long-term, big goal you have and write it down then share this goal with a family member at home. Then, talk through your plan to achieve this goal and make it a reality! Pledge Challenge: the race to $10/lap! Any class that jumps up at least $10/lap tonight will unlock and receive a secret, VIP mystery Apex video to watch! Good luck! Thanks again for your support of our school during this time. This is our last week to get pledges to support S.T.E.M. #BuildingLeaders #FundingEducation #ApexLeadershipCo
almost 4 years ago, Pastor Eddie Cuen
Leadership 5
Today’s #ApexMIGHTY leadership habit is: HERO – A real hero doesn’t wear a cap, have crazy superpowers, or even save the world…True heroes are those that are willing to use their service to help others! 🗣 At Home Hero Challenge: Be a hero to someone in your home at least 3 times today by serving them. Think of someone you haven't talked to in a while, family or friend, and call them to tell them you are thinking about them! Pledge Challenge- OUT OF STATE: The class with the most out-of-state pledges will earn a pizza party from the Apex team! Let's reach out to our family members from all over the world and see how many pledges we can get! #BuildingLeaders #FundingEducation #ApexLeadershipCo
almost 4 years ago, Pastor Eddie Cuen
Leadership 4
Today’s #ApexMIGHTY leadership habit is: GRIT – The greatest mark of a leader is their ability to use inner strength and courage to overcome obstacles – even at home! Mighty leaders never quit! They Dig in and win! 🗣 At Home Grit Challenge: Think about and discuss with a family member a time that you showed grit when something was challenging. Let’s also dig deep and show grit during this time that has presented so many obstacles in our lives. We will overcome! Pledge Challenge: the class with the most students to get a donation of any amount will get to have a Trivia game day with Righteous Ryan! Also, the teacher of the class that wins the challenge gets a Starbucks... ON US! Yes, you heard that right. Inspire those kiddos to help their school and the winner gets a coffee on Apex. :) Don't forget to log your pledges onto to help Trinity Christian School if you are able. #BuildingLeaders #FundingEducation #ApexLeadershipCo
almost 4 years ago, Pastor Eddie Cuen
Leadership 3
Our Apex program is going well so far and kiddos have been so excited hanging out with Righteous Ryan! Today’s #ApexMIGHTY leadership habit is: INTEGRITY – Students learned that a MIGHTY leader is always honest, keeps their promises, and tries to do the right thing, even when no one is watching. Integrity is a choice and that choice is up to me! 🗣 At Home Integrity Challenge: Make choices with Integrity today. Students, think of a time you showed integrity and talk about it with a parent or family member… (maybe you made the right choice when it was hard and nobody was watching, kept a promise, or was honest) Pledge Challenge: The class that can jump up the most tonight in pledges is going to earn a one-of-a-kind Apex reward for the classroom! Feel free to log in your pledges at to help Trinity Christian School if you are able. The Share Wizard is also a great way to share your student's page with anyone in the world using emails, texts, or social media. All you do is enter email addresses and phone numbers and the website does the rest! 💪🏽 #BuildingLeaders #FundingEducation #ApexLeadershipCo
almost 4 years ago, Pastor Eddie Cuen
Leadership 2
Starting soon!!! Chick-fil-a fundraiser!!!! Let's show that Trinity spirit and support 8th grade.
almost 4 years ago, Pastor Eddie Cuen
Chick-fil-a spirit night
Parents & Families: The leadership and character piece of the #ApexMIGHTY program started today and we couldn’t be more excited! There are 6 leadership habits students will learn about as they go on their journey to become MIGHTY leaders! We’ll highlight each different habit daily so families can join in the conversation. ▶ Today’s Apex leadership habit begins with the letter “M” in MIGHTY and is all about being MINDFUL: In order to help others, we must always be aware and check in with ourselves and the world around us. We can do this by performing MIND CHECKS ✅ and KIND CHECKS ✅. Don't forget to tune into tomorrow's 2nd Apex habit: Integrity! Link can be found on your teacher's canvas page. :) Make sure to log in to begin helping our school today if you can! 🗣 At Home Mindful Challenge: Conduct 3 mind checks and 3 kind checks today at home. Pledge Challenge: The class that can have the most students log in to with their access code and get a share on the Share Wizard will get to see Righteous Ryan take a pie to the face! #BuildingLeaders #FundingEducation #ApexLeadershipCo
almost 4 years ago, Pastor Eddie Cuen
Leadership 1
Everyday is a great day in Kindergarten!!
almost 4 years ago, Pastor Eddie Cuen
Kinder classroom
Earth Day clean up with 2nd grade.
almost 4 years ago, Pastor Eddie Cuen
earth day
earth day 2
Join us tonight for our 8th grade fundraiser at Chick-fil-a
almost 4 years ago, Pastor Eddie Cuen
Spirit Night - Chick-Fil-a
Join us this Sunday at 10:00 am as we start off Holy Week with Palm Sunday! 🌿 We hope to see you there #ALLAREWELCOME
almost 4 years ago, Pastor Eddie Cuen
Holy Week
First all-in-person Jr High chapel today! Our 8th grade teacher, Mr. Holt, preached on hearing God in the silence. Great message and awesome to have (almost) everyone in the same room again!
almost 4 years ago, Trinity Christian School
Happy Friday parents! Just a reminder that packet pickup will be at the front gate going forward. And Monday (1/18/21) is a holiday, so enjoy the time with your kids!!
about 4 years ago, Pastor Eddie Cuen
Packet pickup
Travel-please remember that the state and county health departments have issued travel guidelines ( that direct anyone traveling into Southern California to self-quarantine for 10 days.
about 4 years ago, Pastor Eddie Cuen
Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes are due tomorrow!! You can bring in your box and place it on the table outside of the 4th grade classroom. Please be sure to not seal the box!
over 4 years ago, Bayley Holt
Trinity has a fundraiser dinner at the Chick-Fil-A on Imperial & Bloomfield in Norwalk RIGHT NOW till 8:00pm!!!!! Trinity will be donated 20% of the sales!! Coke have dinner with the family. We will see you soon :)
over 4 years ago, Trinity Christian School
Fun in 1st Grade! Check out these awesome Math, Bible Verse, and Fall Art projects Mrs. Samrualruen's students created!
over 4 years ago, Bayley Holt
1st grade