ROAR award winners! Great job! We're so proud of you! 💙🐯🧡
almost 2 years ago, Trinity Christian School
Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd are celebrating the 100th day of school by dressing as 100 year-olds!
almost 2 years ago, Trinity Christian School
100 day
100 day
Our ROAR award winners for the week of Feb 13-17. Great job, Tigers! 💙🐯🧡
almost 2 years ago, Trinity Christian School
ROAR award winners
The 8th grade class invaded the office today! Happy Valentine's Day to me--No one was in trouble! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼❤️
almost 2 years ago, Trinity Christian School
Valentines Day
Eighth grade
When your principal's name is Mrs. Love Valentine's Day is a big deal ❤️
almost 2 years ago, Pastor Eddie Cuen
Valentine’s Day with principal Love
Fellowship of Christian Cheerleaders (FCC) competition today! Our girls did a great job! We're so proud of them! 💙🐯🧡
about 2 years ago, Trinity Christian School
We had the awesome opportunity to participate with Zach King for two of his new videos!
about 2 years ago, Trinity Christian School
Video shoot on campus with Zach King!
Our ROAR award winners! Keep up the good work, Tigers! 💙🐯🧡
about 2 years ago, Trinity Christian School
Roar awards
It is always a joy to celebrate our amazing students 🐯
about 2 years ago, Pastor Eddie Cuen
awards assembly
Our ROAR award winners for K-2! Great job, Tigers! Keep up the good work! 🐯💙🧡
about 2 years ago, Trinity Christian School
Happy birthday, Pastor Eddie!
about 2 years ago, Trinity Christian School
Here are our 3rd-5th grade ROAR award recipients! Way to go, Tigers! 🐯❤️
about 2 years ago, Trinity Christian School
K-2 ROAR award recipients! We are so proud of you!
about 2 years ago, Trinity Christian School
In our K-2 grade chapel today, we learned about one of God’s special creations…US! Each student was invited to peek into the secret box. When they looked, there was a mirror to show that they are unique and loved by God!
about 2 years ago, Trinity Christian School
ROAR award recipients from 3rd-5th grade! Great job! We are so proud of you!
about 2 years ago, Trinity Christian School
Our first ROAR award recipient for 2023! He shows Respect, Obedience, Good Attitude, and Responsibility in his class! We are so proud of you!
about 2 years ago, Trinity Christian School
ROAR award!
It’s getting real!! Dress rehearsal for our amazing Christmas program!! Can’t wait to share this with everyone Friday!!!
about 2 years ago, Pastor Eddie Cuen
Spirit Day at Trinity!
over 2 years ago, Trinity Christian School
Our ROAR award recipients from Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade.
over 2 years ago, Trinity Christian School
roar awards
Todd Moritz, Director of LuTEC, joined us in chapel today to share about being a nonconformist for Christ.
over 2 years ago, Pastor Eddie Cuen
Todd Chapel