ROAR award winners!
Great job!
We're so proud of you! 💙🐯🧡

Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd are celebrating the 100th day of school by dressing as 100 year-olds!

Our ROAR award winners for the week of Feb 13-17. Great job, Tigers!

The 8th grade class invaded the office today! Happy Valentine's Day to me--No one was in trouble! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼❤️

When your principal's name is Mrs. Love Valentine's Day is a big deal ❤️

Fellowship of Christian Cheerleaders (FCC) competition today! Our girls did a great job! We're so proud of them!

We had the awesome opportunity to participate with Zach King for two of his new videos!

Our ROAR award winners!
Keep up the good work, Tigers!

It is always a joy to celebrate our amazing students 🐯

Our ROAR award winners for K-2!
Great job, Tigers! Keep up the good work! 🐯💙🧡

Happy birthday, Pastor Eddie!

Here are our 3rd-5th grade ROAR award recipients!
Way to go, Tigers! 🐯❤️

K-2 ROAR award recipients!
We are so proud of you!

In our K-2 grade chapel today, we learned about one of God’s special creations…US! Each student was invited to peek into the secret box. When they looked, there was a mirror to show that they are unique and loved by God!

ROAR award recipients from 3rd-5th grade! Great job! We are so proud of you!

Our first ROAR award recipient for 2023! He shows Respect, Obedience, Good Attitude, and Responsibility in his class! We are so proud of you!

It’s getting real!! Dress rehearsal for our amazing Christmas program!! Can’t wait to share this with everyone Friday!!!

Spirit Day at Trinity!

Our ROAR award recipients from Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade.

Todd Moritz, Director of LuTEC, joined us in chapel today to share about being a nonconformist for Christ.